Monday, January 2, 2017

Sample Oracle Commerce Project (ATG Project) - With mysql

Attached Zip file has the Sample ATG Project to start with, (Find the file in

You need to have the following environment variable before start.


Then ....

1. Extract the zip file, and place it any where.
2. You can import the project in the ecplise workspace. (once you imported the project, update the class path variables)
3. rename with your system name

And update the following values

dynamo.home=<ATG_HOME_PATH<your atg server name>
jboss.home=<JBOSS_SERVER PATH>
jboss.server=<JBOSS_SERVER NAME>

And you can find build.xml inside the folder, where you run the "deploy-ear-to-jboss" to deploy the application, which will create the application inside ATG as <ATG_ROOT>/ff, and it will create the ear file inside jboss. 

Note (Attached project will support jboss 6.1 eap).

Jboss - 

Attached zip file has the following file

1. FindFast.xml - Just place this file under jboss configuration folder, and update the connection names

Note : Create single database called "ff" in mysql and run all the required sql - DAS, DSS, DPS, and DSS , in this database, (where all the datasource connection configuration has been configured in the project).

Once the deployment is done, start the mysql (<ATG_ROOT>/MySQL\win32\bin/mysqld.exe)

And place the mysql dependent jar in the jboss deployed folder <JBOSS_HOME>/standalone/deployment/ff/ , you can find the jar file inside <ATG_ROOT>/MySQL\win32 folder

Now run the bat file which is inside the FindFast folder (FindFast.bat) which will start the server.

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